Photo Gallery of Call Me Construction Horse Barns

We offer many different styles of Horse Stables.  If you don’t see the style of barn you like, let us know and we’ll custom build one just for you.   Most of our barns are built with White Pine siding, but can also be built with either Cedar or metal siding.  You will also notice that many of our barns have lofts, lean-to overhangs and some other features that are often optional with other builders.

Horse Barn Images

H1 - 36'x60' Stable

H2 - 36'x36' Stable

H3 - 36'x48' Stable

H4 - 36'x64' Stable

H5 - 36'x36' Stable

H6 - 30'x24' Stable

H7 - 36'x48' Gambrel Barn

H8 - 36'x36' Stable

H9 - 40'x108' Stable

H10 - 30'x24' Stable

H11 - 36'x48' Stable

H12 - 24'x24' Stable