26'x36' Wooden Custom Barn

Sample Images of 26'x36'x12' Custom Barn

Wooden Custom Built Barn - Right Side

Wooden Custom Built Barn - Left Side

Sample Of Interior Barn Images

First Floor Walls, Beams & Joists

Oak Wall Framing Details

Stairway and Framing Details

Roof & Loft Construction Details

This barn was built with Rough-Cut Oak wall frame on top of concrete foundation/slab.  Floor joists were hung between LVL beams and walls using ledger boards and joist hangers.  Loft has 24″ knee-wall to provide extra headroom inside of loft.  Roof 2×8 rafters on this barn are spaced 24″ o.c. and supported by double 2×12 knee-wall headers.  Loft supporting clear-span beams are held in place by specially designed steel brackets.

We now have architectural plan available for this barn built with regular conventional framing (2×6 stud wall on top of poured concrete foundation).  See BP16 Barn Plan